Young Girls

Polygamy Sexism

Excerpt from the journal of Wilford Woodruff: 1

June 14, 1857: I attended the prayer circle. The presidency and W. W., G.A.S., A. Lyman, and C. C. Rich of the Twelve were present. There was much conversation upon various subjects. President Young said I shall not seal the people as I have done. Old Father Allred brought three young girls 12 and 13 years old. I would not seal them to him. They would not be equally yoked together. The devil can get as many recommends as he can back. Many get their endowments who are not worthy to, and this is the way devils are made. There will be some needed in the next world. J. C. Little and L. W. Hardy were sent out to obtain cattle to help pay a Church debt. In a few days they returned. Little from the north and Hardy from the south. There was cattle gotten so the presidency paid fifteen thousand dollars debts with them. The subject of Wm. Smith was brought up. It was said that Joseph Smith prophesied that he would become a good man when he became an old man. The brethren thought that he said if he ever did become good, it would be when he was an old man. President Young then said, “Whether Joseph said it or not, I will say in the name of the Lord, that if Wm. Smith lives until he is 65 or 70 years old, he will become a good humble man. He will do the best he can. He will have to answer for his sins. Write this, Brother Woodruff, and [90] put it into the Church history. When a man gives way to the power of the devil, he finds it hard to recover himself again.” 

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