Cover Up


Former Mormon Mission President Admitting to Inappropriate Interactions with Women:  1


Pg. 29,30

Victim: Oh well that’s part of the reason, the other part is, yeah, no yeah that’s part of the reason. I have not healed. I reported this to Salt Lake when I came home from our mission before I got married [00:50:12) They sent Elder Asay to me. Elder Asay interviewed me, he said he would talk to you directly. I never heard anything. Apparently Elder Asay didn’t interview you.

Joseph: No

Pg. 40

Victim: Unless there is some kind of cover-up at the church. So I want to know the truth. I want to know what the fuck happened. That’s what I want to know. And I need an answer, and I need an answer today.

Joseph: I can only surmise, what I surmise with you, I don’t know if the word cover-up is the right word. I don’t know what happened. But Elder Asay never talked to me about it. That’s the truth.


References   [ + ]

1. MormonLeaks™ Releases Audio of Former Mormon Mission President Admitting to Inappropriate Interactions with Women –