

Excerpt from 2019 BYU Women’s Conference, ‘Sister-to-Sister’: 1

Sheri L. Dew:
Let’s move to a new question. “I hear talks about how important women are in the church but honestly that has not been my experience. What suggestions do you have about working more effectively and in greater unity with priesthood leaders. Especially when from time to time some leaders can seem a little dismissive”

Jean B. Bingham:
When I read this question I really related, because I’ve had some experiences with somewhat dismissive priesthood leaders.

I talked the other day to a Relief Society President who had a similar situation and as we counseled together we decided that was the way. And she reported to me after several weeks of praying for him by name and seeking to understand why he was the way he was and learning to love him.

We as women tend to be sometimes shrill or demanding or stubborn [audience laughter] we have the best idea ever and if they don’t see it our way then clearly there’s a problem here. So all I want to say is sisters when we ask that question that the apostles asked of the savior, “Is it I?” That’s a really good place to start.

Excerpt from an address by M. Russell Ballard in an Europe Area Sisters’ Meeting, September 9 2014:2

“That you will let your voices be heard, we cannot, we cannot meet our destiny as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in preparing this world for the 2nd coming of the Savior of the world without the support and the faith and the strength of the women of this church. We need you. We need your voices. They need to be heard. They need to be heard in your community, in your neighborhoods, they need to be heard within the ward council or the branch council. Now don’t talk too much in those council meetings, just straighten the brethren out quickly and move the work on. We are building the kingdom of God.”

Excerpt from a September 2014 Ensign article by M. Russell Ballard, ‘Men and Women and Priesthood Power’:3

“Now, sisters, while your input is significant and welcome in effective councils, you need to be careful not to assume a role that is not yours. The most successful ward and stake councils are those in which priesthood leaders trust their sister leaders and encourage them to contribute to the discussions and in which sister leaders fully respect and sustain the decisions of the council made under the direction of priesthood leaders who hold keys.”

References   [ + ]

1. 2019 BYU Women’s Conference, ‘Sister-to-Sister’ –
2. Europe Area Sisters’ Meeting –
3. Men and Women and Priesthood Power, September 2014 Ensign –