Cleanse the Land


Excerpt from ‘The Seer’ by LDS Apostle Orson Pratt, March 1853, Pg. 43: 1

“Let this nation put these evils from their midst; let them enact strict laws to protect the virtue of the country; let the heaviest penalties be inflicted upon all public prostitutes, and upon all those who encourage the same, either by precept or example ; let the priests and the people, the rulers and the ruled, clothe themselves in sackcloth and weep before the Lord for the sins of the nation, which have reached unto the heavens and cry aloud for vengeance ; let them cleanse the land and wipe out of existence these soul-destroying abominations : then let them teach Utah virtue, and their precepts will be heard and their admonitions received; then will the valiant-hearted sons and daughters of the Mountain Territory believe that there is virtue still left in the land ; and then shall the nation find favor in the sight of heaven, and rise up in strength, in power, in glorious majesty, and extend their dominions east, west, north, and south, and shall rule in triumph and everlasting honor unto the ends of the earth. But until then let them hide their faces in shame and blush in deep silence at the floodgates of iniquity which pour forth their torrents of corruption and death in all parts of the land.”

References   [ + ]

1. The Seer edited by Orson Pratt –