Young Lady


Excerpt from Boyd K. Packers, ‘That All May Be Edified’, Pg. 230, Pub. 1982: 1

“The Order of the Home

There is another area that is important for each of you to consider. The husband, the holder of the household, is established this day in this marriage covenant as the head of the family and the breadwinner. It may be hard for you to recognize this role, young lady, but your happiness is conditioned upon it. I will say to you plainly, you show me a woman who is in charge of a home, who directs the management of all affairs, including those of her husband—you show me such a woman—and I will show you an unhappy woman. I would hope that you would make a solemn resolution with reference to this marriage covenant. It does not negate democracy in marriage. When the final decision is to be made, when particularly it has reference to prayer and the need of special guidance, then you, as the wife, defer to your husband who holds the priesthood and place the responsibility upon his shoulders, and then you follow where he leads.”

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